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5 Reasons Why You Should Stop Using Spreadsheets

Lots of HR professionals depend solely on spreadsheets to enable them to record important people-related data. It is a methodology that functions admirably when you are overseeing just a bunch of representatives or need to work with an unmistakable arrangement of information.


However, spreadsheets don’t cut it once the business begins to expand and staff numbers increase. The individual responsible for keeping track of staff yearly leave, recording illness, and overseeing execution subsequently becomes unable to manage and track these important data as spreadsheets are no longer fit for the purpose and the HR team need to consider a better option such as HR Software – that will enable them to save time and carry out their responsibilities effectively.


Here are 5 reasons why you should step away from the spreadsheets:

1. They are Insecure:

Spreadsheets are typically held on PCs or laptops and frequently sent via email back and forth between colleagues who need to update them or access information. It is easy to forget to protect them with a password, which is risky as confidential information might be compromised.


2. They get corrupted easily:

When a spreadsheet has to go through numerous people, it is all too easy for the information to get corrupted. Although an individual can deliberately change data, more often than not, data corruption occurs inadvertently. Someone who doesn’t know how to work with spreadsheets can easily input key information in the wrong place, delete a raft of data, or change macros mistakenly. If spreadsheets are being emailed back and forth, and it gets to be accessed on an unprotected device, they can become infected with viruses as a result.


3. They are time-consuming:

A spreadsheet-based system can take an inordinate amount of time to manage. HR professionals often find themselves having to input the same information into more than one spreadsheet, or having to trawl through one spreadsheet to extract information and put it onto another. HR software systems streamline the whole process, cutting down on admin time significantly, and allowing HR to concentrate on more value-adding aspects of its role.


4. Spreadsheets are slow:

Spreadsheets slow everything down. It takes time to input information, you have to laboriously check the data to make sure it’s up-to-date, and extracting information takes time. In a vibrant, fast-moving environment where HR teams are being expected to deliver faster more than ever before, it makes no sense to carry on using spreadsheets when software offers a fast, cost-effective solution to managing HR processes.


5. It’s difficult to access real-time information:

In an environment where HR information is housed on spreadsheets, a request for data from the senior management team can throw everyone into a panic. Imagine a situation where junior staff are hurrying around trying to establish which version of a document is the current version and checking to be sure the latest information has been updated.


In conclusion, there are HR software that consolidate all your data, put them in a central place and make them securely available 24/7. Having an easy, secure and guaranteed access to the information you need at all time helps make informed and strategic business decisions.


You should make that switch in favour of HR software if you haven’t already. Enjoy the rest of your day!


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